Blue Spirit is committed to ecological awareness and sustainable practices in our construction, operations, and usage of energy





Despite its size, Blue Spirit's architectural style has allowed to preserve as much of the surrounding environment by building the facility on as small a footprint as possible and using local sourced building materials whenever possible.

- Building with FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) wood from local tree farms
- Building with local sourced concrete
- Building into a hillside, and utilizing natural ventilation to conserve energy
- Using roof tiles construction from Nicaraguan clay
- Utilizing solar-heated hot water througout the facility
- Solar photovoltaic supplies all power for lights and fans for the eco-cottages
- Over 90% of light bulbs used are LED, minimizing electrical usage
- All electrical cables are buried under ground to insure the safety of local animals such as the howler monkey


- Earth friendly and non-toxic cleaning materials are used throughout Blue Spirit
- Low flow faucets and showerheads are used throughout the center to minimize water usage
- Incorporated gray and black water systems to take care of most of our irrigation needs
- All papers used have a high post consumer waste content
- Blue Spirit's food is mostly organic (as available) from local providers
- An active re-cycling and composting program
- Use of non-flush urinals and our toilets have half and full flush option
- All electrical cables are buried under ground to insure the safety of local animals such as the howler monkey

Blue Spirit is continually striving to find new ways of conserving energy within its operations, and welcomes your further suggestions and commitment to ecological stewardship.

Your feedback on all matters is important to Blue Spirit. You will receive an email survey upon your return home– your input is much appreciated.